NJ Turnpike Contract No. T100.321
Rehabilitation of Structure Nos. N6.49, N6.80E and N6.80W
Shop and Working Drawing Preparation
We will begin preparing all the applicable shop and working drawings immediately upon being notified that Anka Painting will be awarded the painting work on NJTA T100.321. The items below will be the responsibility of Anka Painting Co.
Provided within 14 days:
Provided within 30 days:
Throughout Contract:
Insurances §106.20
Traffic Permit §801.03
NJTA Lane Closing Safety Video Sign-in §802.03A
Qualifications of Personnel §411.06(B)
HAZWOPER Certificate §104.06
Worker Training Records, App.1
Manufacturer's Certification §411.06(N)(1)(g)
Supplier List §107.03
Pollution Control Plan §107.03, §411.09(N), App. 2
Environmental Compliance Plan §411.06(F)
Spill Response Plan §411.06(G)
Quality Assurance Plan §411.06(C)
Surface Preparation and Painting Plan §107.03, §411.01(A), §411.06(D), §411.09(F)
Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures, App. 3
Emergency Plan §411.06(I)
Lead Health & Safety Plan §411.06(E), App. 1
HAZMAT Disposal Plan §411.06(M), 411.09(N), §411.09(U), App. 2
Restricted Area Plan, §411.06(L), 411.09(P), 411.09(Q)
Weather Monitoring Plan §411.06(K), §411.09(D)
Fire Safety Plan §411.06(J), §411.09(U)
Chloride Remediation Procedure §411.09(F)
Visual Standards Location §411.09(B)
Proposed Debris Liner for Waste
Procedure for Pack Rust Removal
Other applicable catalog cuts
Coating Repair Procedure
Protection of Utilities Procedure
TMA Truck Certifications
Certified Payroll Records
SBE Participation/EEO/NGIP Reports
Insurance Renewals
Progress Photographs
Medical Surveillance Program, Bloodwork §411.09(O), App. 1
Pre-Operation/Manufacturer's Inspection Results, §411.09(X)(5)
Coating Materials Certificates of Conformance 411.07(D)(1)(a)
Containment, Access and Scaffolding Inspections
Quality Control Documentation
Coating Material Storage Temperature Records
Waste Disposal Records (Manifest) Note: Original Waste Manifests Are Sent Directly to the NJTA
Worker Exposure Records
NJDCA Lead Notification Notices
TSP/PM-10 Air Monitoring Results (air quality)
Tool-box Safety Talks
Partial Payment Requests w/as-builts
Containment System §411.06(H), 411.09(I)
Paint System (Color Draw-down Samples) §411.06(N), 411.07(B), 411.08, 411.09
Blast Medium Samples & Certification §411.07
Certificate of Compatibility, Caulk-Paint System
Noise Control Plan/Barrier
Staging Area Layout and Access Plan
Conrail Access Plan & Procedures
PATH Access Plan & Procedures
NJTRO-HBLR Access Plan & Procedures
Cold Weather Heating Plan
Employee Safety/Training Records